press + awards
A DOLL’S HOUSE, PART 2, Lucas Hnath
“Tobin-Lehl is nonpareil. This is a dream part, and she catches all the quicksilver and volcanic impulse of a woman ahead of her time but not quite sure she should be. She is a magnificent Nora.”
“Kim Tobin-Lehl is striking and confident as Nora, who has gone on to become a successful feminist writer. Her performance is impressive…”
“Kim Tobin-Lehl, whose need and poignant vulnerability resonate long after the curtain drops.”
“Tobin-Lehl is completely believable as the exhausted but determined caretaker of her husband. There’s something heroic about...”
COLLECTED STORIES, Donald Marguilies
“Tobin-Lehl brings a lot of depth to a character whose brittle exterior serves as an armor for her past losses…”
“Kim’s performance is cranky, Jewish, and heartbreaking often in the same sentence. She captures something that is special, and that audiences will connect with.”
“Philip Lehl and Kim Tobin-Lehl together and separate, are beautifully nuanced, flowing from vicious to tender, insecure to desperate, in the blink of an eye…
As Martha, Tobin-Lehl deftly navigates the at times abruptly shifting tone, eliciting a laugh as easily as a flinch, sometimes back to back…But through the wheedling, the name calling, and the insults, there is a familiarity and a genuine intimacy between these two people that is incredibly compelling.”
“In the core roles, Lehl and Tobin-Lehl are both fast and furious, riding the alcohol-fueled roller-coaster of recrimination until it threatens to topple off the track. These two have been magnificent before, together and separately, but they could tour in this production and people ought to line up to buy tickets.”
Acting Award Wins & Nominations:
‘Best Ensemble’ - THE REALISTIC JONESES by Will Eno (Jennifer Jones)
‘Best Play’ - THE REALISTIC JONESES by Will Eno (Jennifer Jones)
’Best Play’ : "God Of Carnage" by Yasmina Resa
”Reckless” by Craig Lucas (Rachel)
"Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf" by Edward Albee (Martha)
"Body Awareness" By Annie Baker (Joyce)
"God of Carnage" by Yasmina Reza (Veronica )
"Faith Healer" Brian Freil (Grace)